Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Plans provided by DDG are very detailed. They provide specifications for all parts of construction. All these help a lot with our on-site construction and make it very convenient for us. Cynthia Dye also offers a lot of valuable opinions and suggestions to all the segments of our golf course… A lot of authorities in golf industry have come and visited including the PGA Tour’s Vice President. They all give high comments on our design and construction. They think that our course is one of the few golf courses in China that have distinct characteristics. The PGA Tour’s Vice President invited our D.Y.E courses to be the tourament course for the PGA Tour – China Series.
– Mr. Gong Chang Jiu, GM, CTS Tycoon Golf Club ( Translated From Chinese )
As golf became more popular in China, many well known Chinese brands moved to support the growth of the game. China Travel Services (CTS), China’s largest travel and
general tourism company, made the decision to develop its first golf course in the City of Shenzhen, near its Hong Kong base. Dye Designs Group (DDG) was engaged to design the 27-hole championship Dye Course as part of the 45-hole complex.

Upon completion the club, management met with the visiting PGA Tour officials to discuss using the Dye Course for future tournament events. The PGA Tour was organizing its global expansion with regional developmental tours. CTS Tycoon was

selected to host two tournaments as part of the PGA Tour Series China: the Qualifying School to start the 2014 season and then the season ending China Series Tour Championship. Top earners on the China Series were given tour privilege for the PGA Tour’s Korn Ferry Tour.